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Sunday, December 14, 2008

[Chinese]-[介紹] Skyfire 手機瀏覽器

之前看過很多篇文章在討論Skyfire browser,今天AAS又出了一篇文章討論它.  呵呵,選日不如撞日,今天就來給他試試看吧!

安裝完試用了幾分鐘,感覺是個很有潛力的產品,它可以提供您類似於PC的使用經驗. 如果您用的手機是智慧型手機例如Symbian或是Windows Mobile,建議大家都去安裝使用.  等這個軟體開發完成,應該是可以取代您目前手機上笨笨的瀏覽器.
行動網(Walled Garden Mobile Portal),應該是岌岌可危了.


AAS網站上有發表過好幾篇文章介紹這個瀏覽器,最近一篇文章(9th Dec, 2008)是由Steven Litchfield發表的,您有興趣的話可以點擊這點.

AAS上的文章一向不錯,所以在此我就不班門弄斧了. :) 就貼一些螢幕截圖給大家參考看看.


您注意到了嗎? 是不是看起來跟一般PC上的Portal首頁一樣,這就是厲害的地方啦,它可以提供您類似於PC上的瀏覽使用經驗,這軟體應該是我印象中目前為止最接近的.



看看NGN LIVE Web 2.0 Portal,一樣是沒問題啦. :)

還可以zoom in一下,注意看......文章.

可以看影片嗎! 來試試YouTube吧!


其他一些關於使用軟體上的T&C以及軟體支援的手機型號等問題,可以在 此獲得解答.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

[Review] Skyfire Mobile Browser

Many people are talking about skyfire browser recently. Today I downloaded and installed it into my Nokia N96. After playing with the software in a few minutes, I believe it will be the ultimate mobile browser which I won't miss on my smart phone.

You can download the beta software at just by using your phone browser to access the web site.

AAS had published several articles to discuss this browser. You can find the latest one (as of my writing on 10th December 2008) from Steven Litchfield at here.

The preview is much better than mine. :) Therefore, I will only publish some of screen shots taken while I played with the software.

The software launch screen. It's still in beta version.

The default homepage of the browser.
Did you notice that the layout of the home screen? It is the only mobile browser which can offer closest to my PC using experience so far.

You can read popular news.

News in other languages such as Chinese is also a piece of cake.
Of course your device must have Asian language pack installed.

To access NGN LIVE portal, no problem at all. :)

You can zoom in as well.

Another one of my favorite sites, YouTube!

Video can be played back directly in browser. This is quite an unique feature to give an end user a PC like using experience. Very good indeed!

Other T&C with regards using the software and handsets supported can be found at

Give it a try and enjoy it.