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Saturday, April 9, 2011

[Chinese]HTTPS Authenticaiton failed on Windows Mobile phone when access Facebook mobile site

這個問題是一家國際WM手機大廠工程師field test實際場測後反應給我們的問題,確時時間點我有點忘了,依稀記得可能是2009年下半年吧發現的問題是使用Windows Mobile(註:當時的版本是WM 6.5)手機使用HTTPS協定(via WAP gateway)存取Facebook Mobile Site會失敗但是換成HTTP就沒問題,原本以為只有該廠商手機有問題使用手上有的另外一個WM手機大廠手機發現也會有同樣的問題,查了一段時間以後發現錯誤原因是Facebook網站使用的root certificate沒有預設安裝到Windows Mobile手機上所造成,筆者發現Microsoft MSDN網站在2007年11月已經有一篇文章談到這個問題,筆者節錄該網站上的原文如下:
Facebook authentication uses HTTPS communication for security; however, on Windows Mobile this causes a problem because the root certificate used by Facebook is not provisioned on the device by default. This means that secure HTTPS requests will fail. Luckily it is possible to work around this by downloading the root certificate and adding it to the device.
Information about the list of root certificates can be found at This can seem rather daunting as the list is particularly long; you need to find the entry called “Root 5 - Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA-1.” There you’ll find download links to save the .CER file. The certificate is available as both DER encoded and Base-64 encoded; if you are using Windows Mobile 5.0 make sure you pick the DER encoded version of this file. For Windows Mobile 6 you can use either version.
有興趣FB開發的讀者可以跳轉到MSDN的這篇文章,原文連接在此,前述問題的答案在Root Certificates這一段章節解決的方法也很簡單就是依照不同的Windows Mobile版本下載不同的Root Certificates安裝到手機上即可
當時筆者給該廠商的建議是把這root certificate預設安裝到他們的Windows Mobile手機上,該廠商HQ的PM決定如何我不得而知,不過往後倒是沒聽說有再反應類似的問題就是了
至於其它品牌的Windows Mobile手機因為我手上的設備也不多,所以就沒有測試了如果你/妳正好是CPE設備商,不巧也碰到這個問題希望這篇文章對你/妳有幫助

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